Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How they named companies

Lists how many of the corporations got their names. Read on, its good fun. For example: Xerox- The inventor, Chestor Carlson, named his product trying to say `dry'.

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Faster than Fiber

A new wireless technology could beat fiber optics for speed in some applications.

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Office 2007 Screenshots

Screenshots of the new Office 2007 Beta Suite.

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Windows bumps Unix as top server OS

Windows narrowly bumped Unix in 2005 to claim the top spot in server sales for the first time, according to a new report from IDC.

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Washington Post accidentially exposes their anonymous botnet hacker

Thanks to photo metadata, he's a sitting duck.

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Re-creating what our first president really looked like in 3-dimensions.

The face on the one-dollar bill is not the real George Washington. So say experts who are re-creating what our first president really looked like in 3-dimensions. As this ScienCentral News video explains, they are not only bringing him to life, but also restoring his youth.

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I.B.M. Researchers Find a Way to Keep Moore's Law on Pace

An advance in chip-making that could pave the way for new generations of superchips. The development, which comes from materials research in the design of advanced lenses and related technologies, will make it possible to create semiconductors with wires thinner than 30 nanometers, one-third the width in today's industry-standard chips.

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Evolving Humans Were At The BOTTOM Of The Food Chain

The popular view of our ancient ancestors as hunters who conquered all in their way is wrong, researchers have told a major US science conference. Instead, they argue, early humans were on the menu for predatory beasts.

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Ubuntu Dapper adds graphical installer goodness

Dapper Drake flight cd 4 is out, and the big change is the addition of a graphical installer called Espresso (about time too). The iso's are available at Also hints of another Ubuntu-based distro.

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