Friday, November 10, 2006

The war is over and Linux won

IBM sponsored study shows: At least in the server world, Linux has won. Web servers and database servers remain the dominant applications, but development environments are now among the most popular systems in production, meaning the trend toward Linux and open source applications should accelerate.

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Microsoft lets your make your own Blue Screen of Death

Here's the best utility to come out of Microsoft TechNet in a while. A screensaver accurately creating simulated blue screens using the actual kernel to provide proper output.
As TechNet describes it: "Use Bluescreen to amaze your friends and scare your enemies!"

RIP Sysinternals.

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Survey Trickery!! Are 58% of iPod owners REALLY thinking of a Zune switch?

The specific mention of an iPod is not in the language. Tell you what, show me a picture of a Zune next to a turd and I'll be 100% likely to indicate a Zune preference, but it doesn't mean I'm going to buy one. We'd like to see a little more detail about the survey in question before panicking just yet

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Survey Trickery!! Are 58% of iPod owners REALLY thinking of a Zune switch?

The specific mention of an iPod is not in the language. Tell you what, show me a picture of a Zune next to a turd and I'll be 100% likely to indicate a Zune preference, but it doesn't mean I'm going to buy one. We'd like to see a little more detail about the survey in question before panicking just yet

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

51.8% of users feel open source software helps reduce their piracy urges

This Internet poll shows a near 50/50 split on whether open source software has reduced your need to pirate software. Such an equal split can be interpreted several ways but does it mean that attitudes need changing?

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Don't Want to Get Sued by the RIAA? Just Disable Wi-Fi Security!

Tammie Marson of Palm Desert, California responded to a lawsuit from the RIAA by stating that her wireless router was not secure, and that therefore the file sharing seen on her network could have been from any passerby. The defense worked, and the RIAA dropped the case.

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What Vista should have been... in 2003!

This is a concept video of a new Microsoft OS "coming October 2003". Enjoy!

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The Spammers Strike Back

Everybody's seen it by now. Spam is up like gangbusters in the last few months. And not just in volume; a lot more of it is getting through filtering mechanisms that had previously been pretty reliable. It's an aggravating and depressing situation.

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Ass kickin` Linux IBM Commercial

After 10 times watching it`s still sending shivers down my spine !!!

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Monday, November 06, 2006

10 Reasons to Buy a DSLR Camera

If you're planning on getting a digital camera for yourself this holiday season, read 10 reasons why you should choose a DSLR camera over a point-n-shoot.

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